1. Opening Prayer (5 minutes)

  • Begin with a prayer similar to the one provided, focusing on acknowledging God's sovereignty, seeking His presence, and inviting His guidance throughout the session.

2. Scripture Reading (5 minutes)

  • Select a passage that emphasizes the theme of building a secure foundation in Christ. For example:

    • Matthew 7:24-27 - Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders.

    • Ephesians 2:19-22 - Christ, the Cornerstone.

    • Psalm 18:2 - The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.

  • Encourage participants to read the passage silently and reflect on its meaning individually.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

  • Prompt participants to reflect on the scripture passage and the teachings discussed in the notes you provided. Here are some reflection questions:

    • What does it mean to build our lives on a secure foundation in Christ?

    • How do worldly distractions and anxieties impact our ability to trust in God's sovereignty?

    • In what ways can we apply the principle of not acting hastily in our daily lives?

4. Action Points (5 minutes)

  • Encourage practical application of the reflections with actionable steps:

    • Identify one area in your life where you can surrender more fully to God's sovereignty.

    • Commit to a specific time of prayer daily to seek God's guidance and peace.

    • Choose one aspect of your life where you tend to act hastily and consider how you can trust God more in that area.

5. Closing Prayer (5 minutes)

  • Conclude the session with a closing prayer:

    • Pray for God's strength to build a secure foundation in Christ.

    • Ask for wisdom and discernment to navigate challenges with faith.

    • Offer thanksgiving for the opportunity to grow in faith together.