The concept of shepherds and the nature of covenants.

. Introduction to Covenants (5 minutes)

Definition and Types of Covenants:

  • Bilateral Covenants: Both parties have obligations. Example: Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants.

  • Unilateral Covenants: One party performs obligations, and the other benefits. Example: The New Covenant.

Scripture Reading:

  • Genesis 15:9-21 (The Abrahamic Covenant)

  • Exodus 19:5-6 (The Mosaic Covenant)

  • Hebrews 8:6-13 (The New Covenant)

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are the key characteristics of each type of covenant?

  2. How do these covenants illustrate the nature of God’s relationship with humanity?

2. Satan’s Tactics to Disrupt Covenant Relationships (10 minutes)

Scripture Reading:

  • Matthew 4:1-11 (The Temptations of Jesus)


  1. First Temptation: How does Satan challenge Jesus' understanding of the Mosaic Law (a bilateral covenant)?

  2. Second Temptation: What is Satan’s strategy in testing Jesus with Psalm 91, a text about unilateral covenant promises?

  3. Third Temptation: How does Satan attempt to lure Jesus into a contractual relationship by offering power and authority?

Reflection Questions:

  1. What do these temptations reveal about Satan’s tactics in trying to break our relationship with God?

  2. How can understanding these temptations help us in our own spiritual battles?

3. Application to Our Lives (10 minutes)

Action Points:

  1. Recognize Deceptive Tactics:

    • Reflect on areas in your life where you may be tempted to view your relationship with God as contractual (e.g., “If I do this, then God will do that”).

    • Write down specific examples where you might be falling into this trap.

  2. Shift to Unilateral Covenant Understanding:

    • Identify ways to cultivate a deeper, grace-based relationship with God.

    • Spend a few minutes in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to help you embrace God’s unconditional love and grace.

  3. Examine Relationships:

    • Assess your relationships with others (family, friends) and identify any areas where you might be building relationships on a contractual basis rather than a unilateral one.

    • Make a plan to adjust these relationships to reflect a covenantal, grace-filled approach.

4. Conclusion and Prayer (5 minutes)

Closing Reflection: Consider how understanding the nature of covenants and recognizing Satan’s tactics can empower you to live a more faithful and grace-filled life.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for strength and wisdom to recognize and resist deceptive tactics that distort your relationship with God.

  • Ask for the grace to build and nurture relationships with others based on unconditional love and unilateral covenant principles.

Seek God’s guidance in living out His covenantal promises in every area of your life.