Profound truths about God's creation.


This workbook is designed to help you deepen your understanding of foundational Christian teachings and to grow in your faith. Each section includes scripture readings, reflections, and actionable steps to implement what you learn.

Total Time: Approximately 30 Minutes

Session 1: Creation and Identity

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-3, Genesis 1:26-27

  1. Genesis 1:1-3: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...”

  2. Genesis 1:26-27: “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...’”


  • God created the world out of nothing, establishing His authority as Creator. Reflect on the significance of being made in God's image. What does this mean for your identity as a believer?

Action Point:

  • Write down three ways you see God's image reflected in yourself and three ways you can embody that image more fully in your daily life.

Session 2: Light and Darkness

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:4-5

  1. Genesis 1:4-5: “And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness...”


  • Darkness and light are essential themes in scripture. Consider the areas in your life where you may need God's light to shine. Are there any dark places you’re holding onto?

Action Point:

  • Spend a few moments in prayer, asking God to shine His light into any areas of darkness in your life. Write down any insights or commitments that come to you during this time.

Session 3: Our Purpose

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:28-29

  1. Genesis 1:28-29: “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it...’”


  • God gives humanity a purpose: to steward His creation. What does it mean for you to "fill the earth and subdue it"? How can you actively participate in this today?

Action Point:

  • Identify one specific area in your life (work, family, community) where you can exercise stewardship. Plan one action you can take this week to fulfill that purpose.

Session 4: The Nature of Sin

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-6

  1. Genesis 3:1-6: “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field... and he said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die.’”


  • Sin often enters through deception. Reflect on the ways temptation has appeared in your life. What are some common tactics you notice?

Action Point:

  • Create a plan for how to respond to temptation. Write down specific verses you can memorize to counteract lies when they arise.

Session 5: Consequences and Redemption

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:16-19

  1. Genesis 3:16-19: “To the woman He said, ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow...’”


  • The fall of humanity brought consequences. Reflect on the grace that follows sin. How does understanding God’s redemptive plan through Jesus change your perspective on your struggles?

Action Point:

  • Write a prayer of thanksgiving for the grace you’ve received through Christ. Identify one way you can share this grace with someone else this week.


Take a moment to reflect on what you’ve learned. How can these foundational truths shape your faith moving forward? Commit to one area of growth in your spiritual life based on today’s sessions.

Final Action Step:

  • Set aside time this week to review your reflections and action points. Consider journaling about your journey and any new insights you gain as you seek to grow closer to God.

Additional Resources

  • Recommended readings on Genesis and the nature of God.

  • Links to prayer groups or study sessions for further growth.