

Welcome to this 30-minute workbook designed to help you grow in your Christian faith by understanding and deepening your dependency on God. Using Psalm 23, John 15:5, and Psalm 62 as our foundational scriptures, we will explore the idea of God as our sole Shepherd and what it means to rely on Him completely.

Scripture Readings

Psalm 23: Reflect on the entirety of Psalm 23. This beloved Psalm describes the Lord as our Shepherd, providing, guiding, and protecting us.

John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Psalm 62:1-2, 5-8: Reflect on David's declaration of God as his sole rock and salvation.

Reflection Questions

  1. Psalm 23 Reflection:

    • How does the imagery of God as a shepherd resonate with your current life situation?

    • In what areas of your life do you need to trust God more as your Shepherd?

  2. John 15:5 Reflection:

    • What does it mean to you to abide in Christ?

    • How does understanding that “apart from me you can do nothing” change your perspective on daily activities and challenges?

  3. Psalm 62 Reflection:

    • Verses 1-2: What does waiting silently for God look like in your life?

    • Verses 5-8: How can you cultivate an expectation that is from God alone?

Action Points

  1. Daily Dependency Exercise:

    • Start each day by praying Psalm 62:1-2, asking God to help you wait silently for Him and recognize Him as your only rock and salvation.

    • Conclude each day by reflecting on how you experienced God as your Shepherd throughout the day.

  2. Journal Activity:

    • Keep a journal for a week, documenting instances where you felt tempted to rely on yourself or others instead of God. Reflect on these moments and write a prayer asking God to help you shift your reliance back to Him.

  3. Abiding in Christ:

    • Choose a practical way to “abide” in Christ daily. This could be through a consistent quiet time, scripture meditation, or listening to worship music. Write down how this practice changes your daily walk with God.

  4. Community Engagement:

    • Discuss with a small group or a trusted friend the concept of dependency on God. Share insights from this workbook and pray for one another to grow in this dependency.

Prayer Points

  • For Deeper Dependency: Ask God to reveal areas in your life where you are relying on yourself or others more than Him.

  • For Understanding and Wisdom: Pray for a deeper understanding of scriptures that emphasize God’s role as our Shepherd and provider.

  • For Surrender: Ask God to help you fully surrender to His will and trust Him completely in all areas of your life.

Closing Reflection

Dependency on God is not about inactivity; it’s about understanding that all we do and achieve is through His strength and guidance. Reflect on the truth that He alone is your rock and salvation, and allow this truth to transform how you live each day.

Additional Resources

  • Books: "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23" by W. Phillip Keller

  • Study Guides: "The Good Shepherd" by Kenneth E. Bailey

  • Online Sermons: Search for sermons on Psalm 23, John 15:5, and Psalm 62 for further insights.

Thank you for taking the time to engage with this workbook. May you grow in your faith and dependency on God, experiencing Him as your true Shepherd.