Against the World, the Flesh, and the Devil

Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer acknowledging God's presence and seeking His guidance throughout the study.

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Start with a brief overview of the session's focus: understanding the battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil.

  • Recap the foundational teaching on Ephesians 2 and 1 John, emphasizing the spiritual warfare Christians face.

Scripture Reading (5 minutes):

  • Read aloud Ephesians 2:1-10 and 1 John 2:15-17.

  • Encourage participants to follow along in their Bibles or notebooks.

Reflection (10 minutes):

  • Prompt participants to reflect silently or journal on the following questions:

    • How have you personally experienced the battle against the world, the flesh, or the devil in your life?

    • What are some specific "lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eyes, and pride of life" that you struggle with?

    • In what ways have you seen God's victory and grace manifest in your life despite these battles?

Teaching Expansion (5 minutes):

  • Expand on key concepts discussed in the teaching notes:

    • Define "the world" as encompassing physical, spiritual, and systemic aspects.

    • Discuss how Jesus' victory enables believers to navigate this ongoing spiritual battle.

Action Points (5 minutes):

  • Provide practical steps for application:

    • Identify one area in your life where the "lusts of the flesh, eyes, or pride of life" have a stronghold.

    • Commit to praying specifically about this area daily.

    • Choose a Scripture verse (e.g., Ephesians 6:10-18) to meditate on daily for spiritual strength.

Closing Prayer (2 minutes):

  • Conclude with a prayer of thanksgiving for God's provision in the ongoing battle.

  • Pray for strength, wisdom, and perseverance for each participant as they apply what they've learned.