1. Opening Prayer and Scripture Reading (5 minutes)

  • Begin with a prayer inviting God’s presence.

  • Read Romans 5:1-5 together.

  • Reflect silently for a moment on the passage.

2. Reflection and Meditation (10 minutes)

  • Encourage participants to reflect on the following points:

    • What does it mean to have peace with God through justification by faith?

    • How does God’s sanctification before birth reinforce His sovereignty in our lives?

    • Share personal thoughts or insights prompted by the scriptures.

  • Guide them to journal their reflections or thoughts.

3. Discussion (5 minutes)

  • Open the floor for discussion based on the reflections:

    • Invite participants to share any insights or questions that arose.

    • Discuss the concept of bewitchment as explained in Galatians 3:1-5.

    • Encourage sharing personal experiences or struggles related to maintaining faith amidst worldly influences.

4. Practical Application (10 minutes)

  • Provide action points for application:

    • Prayer Practice: Encourage daily prayer for deeper connection with God’s peace.

    • Scripture Memorization: Suggest memorizing Romans 5:1-5 or Jeremiah 1:5 for strength in difficult times.

    • Reflection Journal: Encourage participants to continue journaling reflections from today’s session throughout the week.

5. Closing Prayer (2 minutes)

  • Lead a closing prayer, thanking God for His guidance and asking for strength to apply today’s teachings.

  • Offer a prayer for continued growth and understanding.