The hope of Gods mercy.

The Hope of God's Mercy

Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer focusing on hope and God's mercy, inviting His presence and guidance during the session.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 33:20-22

  • Read the verses aloud: "Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name. Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You."


  1. Understanding Hope and Mercy: Reflect on the teaching about hope and mercy from the notes provided. Emphasize that hope is more than an expectation or feeling—it's a gateway to experiencing God's loving kindness (hesed).

  2. Exploring Hesed: Discuss the meaning of hesed as described by Rabbi Simai and John Oswald SwaLT. Emphasize hesed as God's enduring love and faithfulness, even in the face of human frailty and sin.

  3. God's Attributes: Explore Romans 1:20 and its relevance to understanding God's attributes—His eternal power (what He does) and His godhead (who He is). Discuss how both aspects are clearly seen in creation.

Action Points:

  1. Personal Reflection: Encourage participants to reflect on times when they have experienced God's hesed in their lives. How did it manifest?

  2. Prayer Exercise: Lead a prayer session where participants pray for a deeper understanding and experience of God's loving kindness (hesed) in their lives.

  3. Application in Daily Life: Challenge participants to demonstrate hesed in practical ways throughout the week—showing kindness, forgiveness, and faithfulness to others as a reflection of God's character.

Closing Prayer: Close with a prayer of thanksgiving, committing the week ahead to God's mercy and seeking His guidance in applying what has been learned.