The Hope of Glory.

Growing in Hope


  • Welcome and overview of the session on hope.

  • Encouragement to engage with scripture and personal reflection.

Session 1: The Foundation of Hope

  • Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:15-20

  • Reflection: Consider how everything, including hope, is created through and for Christ.

  • Action Point: Write down areas in your life where you need hope to manifest.

Session 2: The Substance of Hope

  • Scripture Reading: Romans 8:24-25

  • Reflection: Meditate on the concept that hope is the substance of things unseen.

  • Action Point: Journal about a recent situation where hope sustained you through unseen circumstances.

Session 3: Testing Our Desires

  • Scripture Reading: Proverbs 13:12

  • Reflection: Reflect on times when hope deferred made your heart sick and when it brought life.

  • Action Point: List desires you currently have and apply the tests of drawing closer to God, glorifying Him, and examining motivations.

Session 4: From Hope to Faith

  • Scripture Reading: Hebrews 11:1-3

  • Reflection: Explore how hope transitions desires into faith, the substance of things hoped for.

  • Action Point: Identify desires that have transitioned into faith in your life and how they have manifested.


  • Recap key insights from the sessions on hope.

  • Final Action Point: Commit to applying the tests of hope to future desires and continue growing in faith.

Additional Resources

  • Provide additional scriptures on hope and faith for further study.

  • Include a prayer guide for strengthening hope and faith.

Closing Prayer

  • Offer a prayer of thanksgiving and encouragement for participants in their journey of faith and hope.