Hope against hope.

Hoping Against Hope

Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer inviting God's presence and guidance as participants delve into the topic of hope.

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:25 "But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance."

Reflection: Understanding Biblical Hope

  1. Defining Hope: Recap the definition of hope based on the previous session. Discuss how hope isn't merely expectation or feeling but involves trust and perseverance despite challenges.

  2. The Nature of Hope: Explore the three aspects mentioned:

    • Hope as an invisible, eternal substance.

    • Hope as a manifestation of God's power and nature.

    • Hope as a revelation that affirms God's sovereignty.

  3. Biblical Examples: Reflect on Abraham's faith (Romans 4:18) and how he hoped against hope, trusting in God's promise despite challenging circumstances.

Action Points: Applying Hope in Daily Life

  1. Identifying Your Hopes: Encourage participants to list specific hopes or desires they currently have.

  2. Trusting in God's Word: Discuss how certainty in God's promises helps in enduring hardships. Encourage participants to reflect on promises from Scripture that they can anchor their hope in.

  3. Communion with God: Emphasize the importance of maintaining a relationship with God during waiting periods. Guide participants in practical steps to deepen their communion with God through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and worship.

  4. Seeking Right Counsel: Discuss the role of seeking wise counsel from trusted spiritual mentors or friends who can provide support and guidance during times of hope and trial.

Conclusion: Wrap up with a final prayer, asking for God's grace to strengthen participants' hope and trust in Him. Encourage them to apply what they've learned by actively engaging with the action points throughout the coming week.