Waiting during the travailings season.

Waiting During the Travailing Season

Objective: To deepen understanding of hope as an eternal substance and explore waiting on God as our helper and shield.

1. Opening Prayer

Begin with a prayer inviting God’s presence and guidance as participants engage with the material.

2. Scripture Reading

Read Psalm 33:20-22 aloud together:

  • "Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you."

3. Reflection on Scripture

Reflect individually or in small groups on the following questions:

  • What does it mean for our soul to wait for the Lord?

  • How do you understand God being our help and shield in times of waiting?

  • Reflect on a time when you felt God’s presence as your shield.

4. Teaching Segment Recap

Summarize the teaching points shared about hope, emphasizing:

  • Hope as more than expectation, feeling, or thought.

  • Understanding the soul (nephesh) as the seat of our mind, will, and emotions waiting on God.

  • God’s dual role in waiting: us waiting for Him and Him waiting to be gracious to us.

5. Action Points

Discuss practical steps and actions:

  • Identify areas in your life where you are currently waiting on God.

  • Journal your thoughts and emotions during this waiting period.

  • Write down specific prayers or requests where you need God’s help and shield.

6. Application Exercise

Choose one of the following exercises to apply the teaching:

  • Scripture Meditation: Choose another scripture passage about hope or waiting (e.g., Isaiah 40:31, Romans 8:24-25) and meditate on it daily this week.

  • Prayer Walk: Take a walk outdoors and pray, focusing on trusting God as your helper and shield.

  • Journaling Prompt: Write a letter to God expressing your hopes and fears about waiting on Him.

7. Closing Prayer

Close with a prayer of commitment and trust, asking God to strengthen participants’ faith as they wait on Him.

Additional Resources

Provide recommended readings or further study materials for those interested in exploring the concept of hope and waiting in depth.