The powerful theme of hope.

Hope, Oh Lord

Objective: To understand the biblical concept of hope and how it anchors us in God’s loving kindness.

1. Opening Prayer

Begin with a prayer asking for God’s guidance and presence during the session.

2. Scripture Reading

Read Psalm 33 aloud, focusing on verses 20-22:

  • Psalm 33:20-22 (NIV): "We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you."

3. Reflection

Reflect on the key themes from the scripture reading:

  • Hope Defined: Discuss what hope means according to the passage. Highlight that biblical hope is anchored in God’s character rather than specific outcomes.

  • God’s Attributes: Explore the attributes of God mentioned in the Psalm (e.g., His sovereignty, creative power, loving kindness).

  • Personal Application: Encourage participants to consider times when they struggled with hope and how focusing on God’s character could have changed their perspective.

4. Teaching Moment

Briefly teach on the significance of the word "Lord" (Yahweh):

  • Explain Yahweh as the existing one, the Creator, and the covenant-keeping God.

  • Emphasize that hope in Yahweh transcends circumstances because it is rooted in His unchanging nature.

5. Action Points

Provide practical steps for applying hope in daily life:

  • Identify Areas of Hope: Encourage participants to identify areas in their lives where they need to cultivate hope in God’s loving kindness.

  • Scripture Memorization: Suggest memorizing Psalm 33:20-22 to anchor themselves in moments of doubt.

  • Prayer Exercise: Lead a prayer session where participants can express their hopes and fears to God, focusing on trusting in His loving kindness.

6. Closing Prayer

Close with a prayer of thanksgiving, committing to trust in God’s loving kindness regardless of circumstances.